Release Notes V 1.14.0
Veröffentlichkeitsdatum: 2023-04-24
New Features
- Re-Design of Search Functions and Availability
There are some adjustments for candidate search.
- Option to upload text or enter search criteria directly
Previously, to start the search a search text always had to be entered or a file uploaded before the various search criteria could be edited.
This is no longer necessary.
From now on it is possible to either upload and extract a text and then adjust the extracted search criteria or to select specific search criteria directly.
In the new version, the field for uploading a text is “collapsed” by default. If necessary, the input can be „expanded“, and a text can be entered or uploaded.
If this is not desired, search criteria can be selected directly.
As before, you can choose from:
- Comptencies – the differentiation between „BSU” and “all” does not apply anymore. Now “all” will be used as the basis, which refers to the whole ontology.
- languages
- certificates
Figure 1: New Search Toolbar
The user now has the option of uploading a file (.docx or .pdf), entering text manually or directly selecting certain search criteria.
- New Search Criteria „Availability“
In the new Search Toolbar to select a time frame for availability.
Figure 2: Suchtookbar – Verfügbarkeit
When selecting the Begin or End fields, the calendar function opens. The month and year can be selected using the calendar function. It is not possible to select dates in the past.
Figure 3: Calender Function Availability
With the button “Clear dates” the selected time frame can be deleted.
The old fields for selecting the availability in the top right corner of the search screen.
Figure 4: No Selection of Availability in the top right corner
- Filter Functions for Search Results
In order to refine the search results, the following filter options have been implemented:
- Department – search field and drop-down list
- Country – search field and drop-down list
- City – search field and drop-down list
- Seniority – search field and drop-down list
The content for the sub-filters is set according to the available data in the search results.
Figure 5: neue Filterfunktion im Suchergebnis
Set filters can be reset with the button “Clear all”.
Figure 6: Clear set filters
Suggest Job Roles
In the new version it is possible to suggest missing roles in the project history, analog to missing competencies or customers.
If the desired job role is not available, the missing role can be suggested using the „Suggest“ button. A description and a link for further information can be added.
Figure 7: Suggest missing Job Role in Project History
Figure 8: suggest new Job Role
If the new job role was suggested, the suggestion is listed in the personal suggestion list under „Job roles“.
Figure 9: suggested Job Role in personal suggestion list
The new proposal is also listed in the data curation and can be edited in the context of data curation in the same way as the competencies.
It is possible to add the new job role or to reject it if a suitable job role already exists.
Figure 10: suggested Job Role in Data Curation
Upload Documents for Certificates
A corresponding document can be uploaded for each certificate. Possible formats are pdf files or images in jpeg or png format.
If a second file is uploaded to a certificate, the first will be overwritten. Currently, only one document can be saved per certificate.
The file can be specifically selected or uploaded for the certificate using drag & drop in the edit window.
Furthermore, the issuing institute, the date of issue and, if applicable, a valid-to date can also be specified for each certificate.
Figure 11: Upload File for Certificate
The uploaded files can be downloaded again through the link added to the certificate.
Figure 12: Link for uploaded File
The uploaded files can also be deleted again. This can be also done in the edit window for certificates.
Figure 13: Delete an uploaded document
Improvements and Bugfixes
Improvement Ranking Service
For details check <<< Link für Doku Ranking Service >>>
Listing 50 Entries in Candidate Search
Until now only the best 20 profiles were listed in the candidate search. The count of profiles was increased to 50.
Deactivate Email Dispatch in Workflow in Candidate Search
In the current version the mail dispatch when updating the status of a profile in the search results creates problems. So the functionality is deactivated for now until the new version of the workflow is implemented.
Edit “Industrial Skills” – add Aliases
In the ontology there are so called “industrial competencies” which are used for industrial sectors. With the new version aliases can be added to this type of competencies.
Adjust Labels in the German Screen for Preferences
In the German version of the screen “Preferences” the English terms “Like” and “Dislike” are used.
Figure 14: Header for Preferences in the German Screen
Adjust Customer specific Colour Scheme
Layout for „Clear all“-Button for filters in Candidate Search were adjusted according to customer color scheme.
Not relevant for msg environment.
Unification regarding Format of Headers and Navigation Menues
In several screens the format for headers and navigation elements were unified.