Previous Versions:
technical release 1.97.0 Build 180 – (Deployment 09.12.24)
- Technical features without impact on UI:
- Technical Change: Ontology service endpoint to return a paginated list of skills
- Technical Change: Extension of the employee endpoints in the search service to also return the city attribute
- Technical features without impact on UI:
- Fixed: The swagger file of the POST endpoint /v1/search contains an incomplete list of processedStatus enum values
- Fixed: The search service endpoint /v1/search/list-Filter does not work with isStaffingRequest=True
1.97.0 Build 180 – (Deployment 05.11.24)
- ODBC Reporting: setup process for new Reporting Tool
- Technical features without impact on UI:
- Technical Change: Additional data field in User Service
- Technical Change: Refactoring Search Service
- Technical Change: improve Ontology Service
- Technical Change: extend length of Email address in User Master Data
- Fixed: Requests: only competences which are active and available in the ontology are extracted
- Fixed: Candidate Screen: Changelog visible for anoymised profiles
- Fixed: Profile Management: Cut off of language list if there are no comptences in the profile
- Fixed: Profile Management: error if there are too many charcters in the custom field
- Fixed: Ontology Management: remove typo in popup window when trying to add an already existing (sub-) category – only relevant for German
- Fixed: Ontology Management: Clicking on the wikidata link does not open the correct page
- Fixed: Ontology Management: Entering a Wikidata ID with a hashtag typo results in a SPARQL query error
1.96.0 Build 178 (Deployment September 2024)
- Fixed: Updating the personnel number in the background failed
- Fixed: CV upload: Problems with text and date recognition – incorrect transfer to date fields
- Fixed: Profile management: Competencies with long names are not displayed completely
1.93.0 Build xx (Deployment August 2024)
- Fixed: Profile management: Error message when editing the data ‘About person’ has been fixed
- Fixed: Data curation: Adding a new certificate – spelling mistake in German heading
- Fixed: Profile management: The languages are extracted again during CV upload.
- Profile management: Multilingualism in the ‘About person’ and ‘Education’ sections (User Manual – ProfileManagement)
- Initial user registration at login: Sending an email to the HelpDesk
1.90.0 Build 176 (Deployment July 2024)
Known issue:
- in CV Upload currently the languages aren’t extraced. They need to be selected manually.
We are working on fixing this bug.
- Fixed: ProfileManagement/ Talent Search: „The competence service is down“ after accessing a candidate’s profile
- Fixed: ProfileManagement/ CV Upload: Issues with text and date recognition – incorrect acceptance into date fields
- Fixed: ProfileManagement/ CV Upload: Incorrect labeling of german „Schwerpunkte“ in the information circle
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: Add a new certificate – writing error in German word „Zertifikat“
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: Custom field – no pagination
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: If competences are not selected when exporting a profile, languages are not exported.
- Fixed: Requests: incorrect German term in info circle „Data Extraction Assistant“ instead of „Datenextraktionsassistent“
- Fixed: Requests: Request data- redundant dashes appear before and in the „Number of Required Resources “ input field after „Job role“ is entered
- Fixed: Requests: Project competencies are displayed with grey and green squares in some places in „Side-by-side“
- Fixed: Requests: Popup hinders the selection of business unit
- Fixed: MyTasks: correct German translation in „Meine Aufgaben“
- Fixed: TemplateManagement: Create new template – incorrect German term „Vorschauen“ instead of „Vorschau“
- Fixed: TemplateManagement: Preview image of template is cut off at the edge
- ProfileManagement: The skill level matrix is accessible in the profile with one click
- ProfileManagement: Attachments in ProfileManagement – Link to the documentary follows
- Requests: Candidate Result Screen – Mouse Over – Cutted off text in Status
- ProfileManagement: Translation Upload for Button wrong
- Talent Search/ Requests: Replace the skillmatrix in „Talent Search“ & „Requests“
- Profile Management: set background color to white
- User Management: Adjustment Role descriptions
1.80.0 Build 175 (Deployment May 2024)
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: Missing/inconsistent dropdown arrow in data curation and in the rest of application
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: „Network error“ message is triggered when deleting a project or focus area or job experience
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: An Internal Server Error occurs when user searches with a bigger text in the Search employee bar
- Fixed: ProfileManagement: Validations are needed for the search for employees input field
- Fixed: Profile Export: „Focus area“ is missing from Profile data when exporting a profile
- Fixed: Ontology Suggestion: missing translation for editing Client suggestion
- Fixed: Data Curation: Save button is active when entering white spaces in Name fields for Certificates, Clients and Job Roles
- Fixed: Data Curation: Bad indentation for Job Roles in Data curation
- Fixed: TalentSearch: An error occurs while a Search is being performed
- Fixed: Requests: Shared Requests cannot be deleted even by the owner who created it
- Fixed: Requests: Design inconsistencies between requesting a candidates profile and approving a candidates profile
- Fixed: Requests: „404 Not Found“ error is triggered when deleting a request
- Fixed: Requests: Two Availability calendars can be opened at the same time
- Fixed: Requests: Effort (PT) is not fully visible when the application is in German
- Fixed: Requests: [New request] – incorrect German term „Deadline“ in information circle for „Timeline and logistics“ under „Request data“
- Fixed: Requests: Incorrect German definite article „den“ in information circle for „Client information“ under „Request data“
- Fixed: Search Results (Talent Search & Request): Availability calendar – If we select End date first and only after Start date, the dates are not put in fields
- Fixed: MyTasks: The tab „Inbound request“ from „My tasks“ page should be disabled for Sourcing Manager
- Fixed: MyTasks: If Line Manager has Sourcing Manager rights, the Inbound request tab is disabled
- Fixed: UserManagement: User Management Title dissapears after refreshing the page
- Fixed: Empty states in tables for „my tasks“, „ontology suggestions“ & „requests“
- Align size and position of profile pictures and company logos in application
- UserManagement: No other roles can be assign to a Super User
- ProfileManagement: New custom field in Projekts – for details check Profile Management – Chapter „Edit Projects“
- Request & Talent Search: „Select all“ for BSU in Request and Talent Search
1.71.0 Build 174 (2024-04-09)
- Fixed: Talent Search & Requests: Line break/tab – Different Displays of Search Results Ranking
- Fixed: Profile management: The edit pop-up title for the Additional Information field is incorrect
- Fixed: Requests: The Availability pop-up gets truncated when it’s located at the bottom of the UI
- Fixed: Talent Search & Requests: Wrong page layout after performing a search because of long names
- Fixed: Talent Search & Requests:“The competence service is down“ after accessing a candidate’s profile
- Fixed: Requests: Writing comments without space when approving a profile request brings to an UI issue
- Fixed: My Tasks: Inbound requests – Comments without spaces exceed the allocated space
- Fixed: Profile management: Arrows displayed in the layout
- Fixed: Requests: remove text in side-by-side comparison
- Fixed: Profile management: Calendar from Edit custom field shows years with minus
- Fixed: Requests: An error is displayed because the candidate with the hidden name does not have a line manager at the time the request is made
- Cost Center Based Authorization
- Profile management: Number of employees from the sidebar available
- Ontology suggestions from Basic User – edit not possible for rejected entity
1.66.0 Build xxx (2024-02-19)
- Fixed: Location icon cut off
- Fixed: Profile export – focus & professional experience missing in export wizard
- Fixed: Error message when clicking on a profile from the search without Profile Manager role
- Fixed: Change log is updated when importing IDM data
- Fixed: Tooltip HTML-formatting for skills in the requests & talent search area
- Mouse over for truncated texts
- Input priorities in scrollable field
1.63.0 Build 170 (2024-02-06)
- Fixed: Ontology suggestions: New suggestions are displayed late or not directly.
- Fixed: Copyright characters adjusted to 2024
- Fixed: Changing the query data leads to endless display of „Search in Progress“
- Fixed: Error message when clicking on a profile from the search without ProfileManager role
- Fixed: German translation „My task“ missing
- Fixed: Work experience – date does not change its format when language is changed
- Fixed: Customers can be selected for requesting unit by hiding the field
- Fixed: Overview table of requests – „Customer“ column exists twice
1.60.0 Build 169 (2024-01-17)
For details click on the link above.
1.21.0 Build until 1.59.0 (no productive deployments)
- Data curation: Interpretation of links restored
- Character length for certificate description limited to 250 characters
- Only active skills can be selected for relationships
- Renaming job role in the entire German application to job role
- Data categorization: missing German translation for header „Categories“
- „Transformation too Large“ fixed
- Network error fixed when maximum number of projects reached
- Bugfixing requests, talent search & workflow
- Tooltip for suggested entities outside the window – display corrected
- Display of the tooltips in the data curation restored
- Data curation: Automatic transfer of the suggested word to the next window
- Data curation: Different display between adding a new competence and editing an existing competence
- Character length for certificate description limited to 250 characters
- Character length for tags within the template management limited to 100 characters
- Update media-service 0.3.0
- Update user-service 0.24.0
- Update ontology-service 0.12.0
- Update search-service 0.5.0
- Integration new text-extraction-service and Update text-extraction-service 0.3.0
- Integration Workflow-service 0.1.0 und Aktualisierung workflow-service 0.2.0
- Amplify Corrections
1.20.0 Build 168 (2023-07-24)
- New CV Import Workflow – Part 2 (Projects & Job Experience, Focus)
- New CV import: Do not set short description as mandatory field according to Profile Management.
- Improvement of search within competencies – search whole string and not only parts
For details click on the link above.
1.19.2 Build 167 (2023-07-17)
- only backend: a technical field „Last Synch“ added for reporting changes in user masterdata
- Template management: the size of the template’s icon stays the same, even when adding mutliple tags
- Notification window closes when clicking on profile avatar
- Ontology management – only English: when editing competencies, hidden relations are listed as „+x More“ (instead of +x Less“)
- Profile managemen / Ontology management: after renaming a job role in ontology management, the same job role in project history will also change the name without explicit refresh of the page
- Tooltips: Tooltips will only be displayed when clicking on infobutton (i)
1.19.1 Build 166 (2023-07-10)
- Candidate Search: sorting of candidates descending by % is working again
1.19.0 Build 164 (2023-07-03)
- New CV import workflow – Part 1 (only skills & languages)
- Renaming „user-definable fields“:
- [old] user-definable fields = [new] Additional Information
- [old] text field = [new] About me
- Date field unchanged
- Add tooltip to explain total score in side-by-side comparison
- Display of linemanager in profile
1.18.1 Build 164 (2023-06-26)
1.18.0 Build 163 (2023-06-01)
1.17.0 Build 162 (2023-05-30)
1.16.0 Build 161 (2023-05-22)
- Mouse-over information for competence levels and mandatory checkbox in search parameters
- Extend explanatory text in side-by-side comparison when no projects are found but project relevance is 100%
1.15.0 Build 160 (2023-05-15)
- Mouse-over information for competence levels and mandatory checkbox in search parameters
- Extend explanatory text in side-by-side comparison when no projects are found but project relevance is 100%
1.14.2 (Build 159) (2023-05-08)
- Add text explaining the project relevance calculation for level 1 skills in side-by-side
1.14.1 (Build 158) (2023-05-02)
1.14.0 (Build 157) (2023-04-24)
New Features:
- Re-design of search functionality & availability
- Various adjustments have been made to the candidate search.
- Selection option upload text or direct input of search criteria
- New search criterion „Availability
- Filter function of search results
- Search results filterable by
- Department
- Country
- City
- Position
- Suggest job roles
- Within the project history missing job roles can be suggested.
- Upload certificate documents
- A corresponding document can be uploaded for each certificate. Possible formats are pdf files, or images in jpeg or png format.
- Improvement of the Ranking Service
- Candidate search hit display – extension from 20 hits to 50 hits
- Until now only the first 20 hits of a search were displayed. The hit list has been extended to 50 hits.
- Mail dispatch for workflow in candidate search deactivated
- Since this function is currently causing problems and an adjustment of this workflow is planned in the near future, mail dispatch is currently deactivated at this point.
- Standardization of the format of headings and navigation menus
- In various masks the format of headings and navigation elements has been unified.
- Editing „Industrial Skills“ – adding synonyms
- In the ontology there are so called „Industrial Skills“ which are used to represent industries. With the new version it is possible to add synonyms.
- Adjustment label for preferences in the German display
- In the German display the labels have been adapted to „Like“ and „Dislike“, analogous to the English labels
- Candidate search results for certificate percent had a blank space.
- The text remains in the text field, while everything else is reset when you click the „New search“ button.
- Select all function at the filters also applicable when already narrowed the filter.
- The changelog time is updated when users get updated by the user import pipeline.
For details click on the link above.
1.13.1 (Build 156) (2023-03-27)
- Long Description & Short Description:
- the limit has been increased from 1000 characters to 10000 characters and the short description has been removed as a mandatory field identifier.
- Workflow (requests from candidates) in search results:
- Fixed the workflow trigger being triggered on search results. Emails are now sent.
1.13.0 (Build 155) (2023-03-20)
New Features:
- New filters in Search Results: (Chapter „Filter Function in Search Result“ in User Manual)
when a candidate search was executed, there is now the possibility to further filter the search results without executing a new search.
At the moment there are the filter for city and seniority (position)
- Change Log: (Chapter „Change Log“ in User Manual)
when changing the profile in Profile Management the changes are logged.
The latest change date is shown below the name and profile picture.
The following information is listed:
- Change date
- Change time
- Person who last changed the profile
1.12.0 (Build 154) (2023-03-13)
New Features:
- short and long description for project description
These fields can be addressed in the export templates with these tags:
short description:
long description:
- Message when exporting a profile
When exporting a profile the user will get a message regarding data security
which they need to comfirm before starting the download.
1.11.2 (Build 352) (2023-03-06)
- Search for aliases ist not case sensitive anymore.
- Project History – Chronological order of projects are sorted
again from current to older.
- Save/Update message when add/update
project/focus area/job experience is displayed.
- Notifications can be deleted without triggering an error message.
- The bell icon is now updated upon deleting or checking a notification.
- The „Clear all“ button for deleting notfications is working again.
1.11.1 (Build 152) (2023-02-21)
- The „Data Categorization“ and „Ontology Suggestions“ tabs are not properly localized
- The Data categorization and Ontology suggestions sections have been translated and linked according to the set language.
- Export not possible with empty education area – Error
- A profile with empty training area could not be exported. This is now possible.
1.11.0 (2023-02-13)
New Features:
- Project History and Focus Area:
- Already selected competencies extracted from project description or focus area aren’t deleted anymore.
- They now can be edited separately.
- Search Candidates – documentation:
- Link for details regarding Search Function was removed. The documentation is now part of the FAQ which can be reached through the link in „FAQ“ at the top of the screen.
- Side-by-Side Comparison: sometimes requested certificates weren’t listed in the Side-by-Side comparison.
- Now the certificates are listed correctly.
1.10.0 (2023-02-07)
- Changes in Search Function (Async Call)
- Changes in UI for Preferences
- Bugfixes in Side-by-Side comparison
For details click on link above.
1.9.0 (2022-12-19)
- 3-level taxonomy in Data Categorization
- Score Visualisation: Percentage for Competencies when no request
1.8.0 (2022-12-12)
- Changed tables according to figma mockups
- Editing Preferences
- Fxed edit competencies and language popups on focus area and projects
- Fix preferences.service.ts
- Exception-when-saving-competence
- The-thumbnail-not-display-properly
- Big version
1.7.9 (2022-11-28)
- Update data import fucntion dependencies (7642289)
1.7.8 (2022-11-21)
- Fixed updating when wikidata is „NO“ (ea54d8e)
1.7.7 (2022-11-16)
- Fix wrong wording for focus area and job experience (7a1ac4f)
- Changed categories to percent value (89995ae)
- Tooltip inconsistencies (94c0e0f)
1.7.6 (2022-11-07)
- Cannot-modify-language-level-because-of-tooltip
- Do-not-show-skill-project-certificate-when-nothing-requested
1.7.5 (2022-11-2)
- Name hidden text is now displayed in side-by-side comparison dialog
- Fixed template existing error
- Fix search results not updating after changing competencies, certificates, clients and job roles
1.7.4 (2022-10-24)
- Enable editing industrial skills relationships
- Add proper roles for each environment in mappings, and fix reference in add-to-group.js
- Add roles to users dynamically upon registration
1.7.3 (2022-10-07)
- Sorting-of-history-table
- Missing-client-info-display
- Switching-tabs-in-Data-curation
- Error-message-displayed-deactivating-term
- Error-message-displayed-deactivating-term: loading
- Adjust-Email-Address-And-Template
- Error-message-when-deactivated-term-busy-indicator
- Paginating user count to respect graphql limit with dynamodb
1.7.2 (2022-09-26)
- Show also the message when requests time out (1c733e3)
- Matching Project not displayed in Side-By-Side
- Fixed the issue when filtering for certain period
- Candidate Link leads to Default user profile
1.7.1 (2022-09-19)
- Model issues in fast api, education empty
1.7.0 (2022-09-13)
- Side-by-Side-Vergleich mit neuem Ranking Service